VapeGirl Selfie
VapeGirl Selfie Collection
Sources : Instagram & Pinterest
VapeGirl Selfie Collection
Sources : Instagram & Pinterest
Health Goth aesthetic takes from tribal culture, technology and hijacking of sport brand and energy drinks logo. Supporter of healthy living while staying connected by Bluetooth, here is my selection of flashy Air Max and gluten free trending.
Health Goth relies on an anti-nostalgic dystopian present, refracting the Other by means of an exaggerated profile and tribal-aesthetics. It may be hyper-masculine on the surface, betraying a distinctively sus interior of body-mechanized cyborgian humanity within. Health Goth speaks to an intrinsic psychic connection with the elements, be they fire, water or fauna and the ability to incorporate ambient nature into the corporeal realm. Unlike the tailored Self-less facade of NormCore, Health Goth projects a completely un-reflexive subjugation of the individual in the urban ecosystem, reimagining the present future by mocking self-awareness as a Humanist project of little efficacy. Industrial by nature, Health Goth creates a proto-narrative of returning to paradise lost by embracing mortality as a One-World consciousness and devotion as means to deliver us from late Capitalism. Unlike NormCore which engages the myopic gaze, Health Goth requires clinical sterility from pervasive human contact or identifiable brands in its performance, leaving little room for trends or fetishes outside of the obligatory Nike Air Maxes or Oakleys. When this imagery is embodied, Health Goth becomes an ethos of mythologizing our technological present with recombinant cultural artifacts to manifest a virtual altruism of difference. ~ by Wyatt Schaffner – Source : AMDiscs
Sources : HealthGoth, Whatever 21, Hood By Air, Gothlete and the Tumblr mess.
Knowing that kitsch means happiness for a billion of Indians people, I was looking for a good topic when I reminds that my friend Akshay Kothari had shown me his catalog of silver furniture few weeks ago.
The store was initially started by its founder Late Shri Motilala Ji Bhavarlal Ji Kothari in year 1923 with name Kothari M.B. Jeweller and since then it has grown to one of the most respected jewellery retailers in Nagpur todays it is known as Dharam Gems and Jewellery . Kothari M.B. Jeweller have one of its branch in well-known jewellery market Zaveri Bazar in Mumbai.
Today Dharam Gems and Jewellery is successfully run by Mr Deven Kothari who is an Honoured Certified Designer from Gems & Jewellery Institute of India from Mumbai in year 1996. Mr Deven Koothari to a select and niche clientele, who rely on his talent to jewellery designs that bring out the inner personality of the wearer. Being always creatively inclined, his sense of visual perception stimulates her sense to see design in the least of place.
Shanzhai literally refers to the mountain strongholds of bandits. First borrowed to describe rip-off products, it has evolved to stand for homemade stuffs and is also now popularly used to mean fake, cheap or copied goods.
As counterfeit products already makes up a significant portion of Chinese and Asian market, Shanzhai has become a culture associate to pop and is synonymous of DIY. It’s a Chinese cultural phenomenon who involved a conversation between massive production facility and sharing through the grapevine (and the Internet). Those of Shen Zhen, often family based factories, share list of materials, plans and designs and are in constant improvements of them products. Being a sharing philosophy, Shanzhai consists in copying and enhancing the innovations of others. Most famous of these copycatting is cellphones and you get them often for as little as $20 a piece.
Not simply just imitate but also spend lot of effort on innovation, that shady business makes stuffs as good, in any functional sense, as any other. These mobile phone are extremely rich in creative vitality and surpasses brand manufacturers who stick to the rules too much. Often self-consciously absurd and as a mix of irony and frustration about a late-capitalism, here is some example of Shanzhai designers creativity with those cigarette box-like cellphones. From lung to brain, those cellphones hold cigarette too. What an irony, directly associated with a social phenomenon, when we know that China is the worldwide largest consumer and supplier of tobacco.